Following a chat with a couple of members at the club I've made a minor modification to the list I plan to build.
The original list is as follows:-
Gorten -7
- Driller 6
- Gunner 3
- Gunner 3
- Ogrun Bokur 3
Thor 2
- Wroughthammer Rockram 8
- Blaster 3
- Ogrun Bokur 3
Lord Rock Bottom 2
Full Unit of Forge Guard 8
34 points
I like the list, it ticks my boxes for having a bit of everything, but I hate having that missing point. In MKI a few points short was not really an issue but even one seems a big waste in MKII.
So options:
a) Drop Rockbottom and give Gorten a third Gunner
b) Drop Rockbottom and give the Leader of the Forge Guard a Bokur
c) Drop Rockbottom, have a min unit of Forge Guard and add a min Unit of Highsheilds.
Either way it looks as if Rockbottom is for the chop, he is really in the list to help infantry with CMD checks (as a Cryx player I take fearless for granted), add an additional spray template, and (hopefully) look cool if my conversion idea goes to plan.
Option c, I'm not keen on, this is from a model building and painting perpective as I'll have to put together and paint 2 full units of infantry (I like working on full units all at once) which is going to be time intensive.
Option a, would be the simplest, as the Gunner is likely to be already available, however it was pointed out to me that an extra Gunner assigned to Gorten would add to the strain on his Focus.
Option b, is the one I'm leaning towards. As I love the idea of converting 3 Blighted Ogrun into Bokur.
Option b is the one I finally settled on, as Lord Rockbottom usefulness is really limited in the list and the Bokurs will still lay the smack down in MKII.
So the list now looks as follows:-
Gorten -7
- Driller 6
- Gunner 3
- Gunner 3
- Ogrun Bokur 3
Thor 2
- Rockram 8
- Gunner or Blaster 3
- Ogrun Bokur 3
Full Unit of Forge Guard 8
- Ogrun Bokur 3
35 points
As the army grows beyind this limit I think Rockbottom will still be making an appearance, as I still would like to do the conversion I have planned for him.