Friday, 28 August 2009

Gun Bunny Two

I mentioned earlier in the blog I was holding off on further Gun Bunny production until I got hold of a pair of legs form the Grundback Blaster. Fortunately I was able to trade a pair of Blaster legs for a pair of Gunner legs at my gaming group. The difference between the two sets of legs is high-lighted below. The Blaster legs (top in the photo below) are longer as they are straighter than the bent Gunner legs.

I'm not interested in using the Blaster legs as a pait, but rather use a Blaster/Gunner leg combo to generate some more dynamic poses.

Blaster and Gunner Legs

The second Gunner uses the longer blaster leg to hold it higher off the ground and the bent leg, cocked in a running pose leading to a more interesting pose. I have to admit, as with the Driller, the Privateer Press Forums gave me the idea for this.

Gun Bunny Two

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