Tuesday, 22 September 2009

MKII Rules Release

OK, so Privateer have decided to jump the gun and provide us with the new rules and cards in their raw format so we can start playing MKII in anger, great news......
...but hang on, what does that do to my nicely costed and formulated list...
...well fortunately it does bugger all, the points have not changed for any of my model selections, rules yes, but the list remains the same. I'm happy about his because I've just got everything out on the table in front of me and it looks a formidable force.

Some of the major rule changes for Searforge include,

Gorten Grundback: Rift is replaced with eruption, a RANGE 8 3" AOE POW 14 Inferno. More sources of fire, liking it. Strength of Granite is now a point cheaper and at reduced to +4 strength and no longer has a critical effect but becomes an up keep.

Ghordson Driller: Loses auto hit on the drill when you have hit a target with the grappler in stead simply has sustained attack with it's drill, and no longer does a critical. NO LONGER DOES A CRITICAL??!!....oh no hang on, it does not need to do a Critical with its P&S 17 sustained attacking whirling drill blades of doom....there will be bugger all left to do a critical on. I quote Derek from Bad Taste when I say "SUCK MY SPINNING STEEL SHIT HEAD".

Wroughthammer Rockram: Interesting, I thought the only change with the Rockram was an increase in range on it's gun to an almighty 8" but I have just noticed a change to the wording in the Assault listing ..."when resolving an assault ranged attack the attacking model does not suffer the target in melee penalty"...this is very cool no more -4 to hit as the Rockram charges in to save the day with Sledge Cannon blazing and Pulverizer, well, pulverizing.

Grundback Gunner: No changes here, still kicks some.

Grundback Blaster: POW of Hail shot cannon reduced to 10 which is not really an issue because Powerful Shot has been replaced with Powerful Attack. Powerful Attack (boosted attack and damage rolls) on an 8" spray template is evil, great for clearing out all those pesky high def high armour infantry that abound.

Holdenhold Forge Guard: A minor change to the wording in Ranked Attacks now means the models in the rest of the army, not just in the unit, ignore these models when drawing LOS.

Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps: Ranked Attacks changed as above, and have CRA that was mentioned as a likely change at the close of the field test.

Ogrun Bokur: now gets shield guard, selflessly taking the bullet for it's client or anyone else within 2".

Thor Steinhammer: his Blow torch is now a 6" spray, giving us more chances of getting some fire tokens on the table.

Lord Rockbottom, Expedition Financier: gains Tough, which I believe he had initially in MKI.

Thats the changes to the Searforge I'm interested in, well until Gudrun along with Brun and Lug, join the party.

I am suppose to be doing this project as a diversion from the Cryx stuff.....might be the Cryx becomes the diversion from my Searforge.....

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